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These past two weeks I’ve been extremely busy trying to get things organized at home.  Right now all our TVs are packed away and our internet is seldomly used.  This lends time to sit around, talk and visit with friends and family.  Another thing it does is add a personal touch to home.  Rather than coming home and keeping eachother company while watching TV, we’re keeping each other company!

It even some brings missionary opportunities with my Mother in law, who is staying with me for a few months, that probably would have been harder to come by.

One caveat: I’ve been missing American Idol – but not before I got to see Brooke White audition!

My friend Joey pointed out to me this article from Deseret News today.  There are two LDS singers in American Idol’s top 24.  Including Brooke White, there is also David Archuleta from Salt Lake City, who auditioned in San Diego.

With the top 24 starting, it looks like it is time to hook the TV back up.  But I’m going to try to keep Sundays a non-television day to go along with keeping the Sabbath day holy.  That should be an easy one since we have Tivo.

I envy the missionaries that serve a mission to spread the gospel. As a convert past his teenage years and with a family to take care of, I felt that I had missed out on this amazing experience. I thought I could only hope for the many opportunities to help other people learn more about the full gospel of Jesus Christ as I have.

One question I often hear among the brethren is: “Where did you go for your mission?” It seems like such an ice breaker, which is something I definitely have a need for.

There is hope though! Early on I learned that seniors can go on missions as well. In Mike’s parents are on a two year mission! When I retire, I would like to go somewhere on a mission. It would be amazing to put everything away and concentrate on the gospel and serving. But that time seems so far away. I can’t wait.

It is said that “every member is a missionary.” That is true, but it didn’t feel the same. Not until I read a chapter in the Doctrine & Covenants that really get my pumped up:

Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen. (D&C 4)

The verse that stands out to me is:

…if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work

And there you go, I’m on a mission!

Thomas S. Monson was named the 16th Church President on Monday.


He also called to serve with him in the First Presidency, President Henry B. Eyring as his first counselor, and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, as his second counselor.

It was also announced that President Boyd K. Packer, 83, is the new president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

All I’ve really known was Hinckley as the prophet. I am not too familiar with President Monson but from what I’ve heard from my good friends I am excited to see where the Church goes from here.

Came accross this on YouTube and just wanted to share, in case you haven’t already seen this:

Glenn Beck pays tribute to the late LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley

I believe that this book, There Is No Death, brought me closer to understanding the truths that my friend Mike touched upon when he began teaching parts of the Gospel. I believe this book softened my heart and also prepared me for the missionaries that I met three years later.

I remember after a few weeks after reading the book we were discussing it during lunch when it hit me; that all the things Mike had been teaching me were in fact true; that there was something more going on than just this life. It is a moment in my life that I will not forget. As I look back now, knowing what I knew, it was the spirit confirming what he was teaching and what was in this book as true.

Why I didn’t follow up on this? I guess I did not know what to do with this testimony at the time. I did not plant it and nourish it. (See Alma 32:28-43)

It did not fall on good ground, perhaps stony ground. (Matthew 13:3-8) I did not act on it. I’m thinking it was out of fear for change.

Tasting of the truth was exciting and I was eager to learn of all the great and wonderful things of the gospel. I often went way ahead of myself. In a way, I wasn’t ready. I wanted to have my friend personally teach me all he knew, but he insisted that I have the missionaries over.

I now realize why missionaries should be involved. They are set apart to spread the gospel. They are more prepared to answer questions that come up. They are divinely inspired and assisted to share their great message. I did not have the fundamentals that the missionaries teach. The important fundamentals like: Who we are, who Heavenly Father is, who the holy spirit is, and who Jesus Christ is – and why what he did was so important, the plan of salvation (the plan of happiness).

I see why things are taught in a certain order now and why it is said “concept upon concept, precept upon precept.” That used to annoy me when I didn’t receive all my answers, but now it makes perfect sense.

Preparing for school took a different turn for thousands of teenage Mormon students who, some 12 hours earlier, had learned of the death of their Church president, Gordon B. Hinckley.

The students responded to a flood of text messages from teens in at least six states, suggesting they arrive at school in their “Sunday best,” rather than their accustomed jeans or other casual clothes, as a symbol of respect and honor to their deceased leader.

A few of these students shared their thoughts about President Gordon B. Hinckley.

February 2008

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