You are currently browsing the daily archive for October 26, 2007.

It appears that Elvis Presley was thinking about becoming one! According to this new story, “Movie Shows Spiritual Side of Elvis,” there is a new movie being made called “Tears of a King” which explores the spiritual part of Elvis’ life. Elvis was seeking the truth and receiving missionaries. He had a Book of Mormon with notes written in it.

On various pages throughout the book, are handwritten notes, believed to be written by Presley. He underlined the word “KING” throughout the book. Also on one page there is a note that reads: “My daughter Lisa needs this church. She’s nine. Please help her…”

While reading the comments of the news article, someone named “Candace S.” states:

My stepfather was one of the missionaries that went to visit Elvis on several occasions. The missionairies were always welcomed to visit anytime he was there.

…he said in the past, that Elvis enjoyed and agreed with the discussions, but was unable to give up his (forgive the saying) his wine, women, and song (although I’m sure he wouldn’t have to give up too much of the song part). I think sometimes even when someone knows that the church is true some habits are hard to give up, especially being who he was.

The King of Rock and Roll was on to something with this Church.

October 2007

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